Sunday, March 4, 2012

Perhaps situations

#25 Perhaps situations

I don’t have my cot to count the stars above
my imagination. I used to have my chamber
where I spun my thoughts aloud. Too many
interpreters and magic men ran me down;
I changed my lane, faster and acoustic. No one’s
interested to clean the chaos, to lick the fire
but when I give up, I will be questioned. I chew
my dreams; occasionally lift my head to catch
the sound of flying ants. I keep my fingers busy.

1 comment:

  1. দিন ভাঙতেও শক্তি লাগে বেশ;
    রক্তে অক্সিজেনের প্রচুর যোগান চাই !
    লম্বা নিশ্বাসে কবিতা পৌছয় অলিন্দে !
