Saturday, February 9, 2013

River Lines

10th February 2013

#6 River Lines

Curse, I lift my palm
to see the mystery in
river lines running across
the country, the map,
your face – it turns out deeper,
bending fast and deciding
everything that could have been
All these sticky
days, whimpers of tiny,
rubbed against the background
monotony of orange peels,
we wish to live longer.
We wish to breathe,
rush to drink the water,
echoing in the continuous
well of a deeper thirst.


  1. no matter how deeper i dive into.... can't touch ur depth.... yet i dive... :)

  2. Anupam for God's sake ..compose some songs in non-bengali friends who really love your music ..feels sorry when they cant understand the words..and I found it just a vein effort to translate them word by words..I want them to understand the soul of your songs..

  3. i do compose in english but still not sure how to release those songs :)
